Tik Tik Tik (2018) HD
Tik Tik Tik | Tamil + Telugu
![Tik Tik Tik](https://i0.wp.com/www.bolly2tolly.asia/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Tik-Tik-Tik-movie-online-bolly2tolly-1.jpg?fit=185%2C275&ssl=1)
Tik Tik Tik Tamil Full Movie Online HD, An asteroid attacks the Ennore area of Chennai. Soon after Astronauts predict that another asteroid with an estimated size of around 60kms square feet is going to hit India within 7 days which could be devastatingly catastrophic. So the Indian Space Research Organisation decide to send M.Vasu, a trained magician and escape artist along with a team of scientists to get hold of a missile in a space centre which they plan to use to destroy the asteroid before it reaches the surface of Earth and wreak havoc.